
Digital Artist || Writer || Voice Actor

R. Yu Song

They || Them

My name is Yu Song. I am a digital artist and voice actor. I love TTRPGs like Dungeons and Dragons 5e, Monster of the Week, Urban Shadows, and Vampire the Masquerade to name a few. I like playing video games, and sometimes I stream on Twitch.
I have a bachelors degree in writing and a partial master's degree in medieval studies. I love discussing the creatures and monsters of mythology and folklore; what they might represent, and what their roles suggest the culture at the time valued or feared. I'm currently working on several projects that explore and deconstruct these concepts, as well as identity, liminal spaces, and hero figures.

You can find me here:

Silver fox wearing a dragon's skull

Commission info || Terms of Service (T.O.S)

Below are my terms of service. By commissioning me, you acknowledge that you agree to my terms of service.

  • You retain the rights to your characters, but I am allowed to display what I've drawn for you for personal advertising purposes (i.e. when I advertise my commissions are open) or include pieces I have done for you in my portfolio.

  • Payment for a commission will be in full, except for pieces that cost over 50$. Pieces that exceed 50$ are eligible for half now-half later, or we can work out a payment plan

  • Additional characters cost full price (since you're also paying for added composition difficulty)

  • If you request more than one character appear in a piece, you can choose from half or full-body for the additional characters

  • When you contact me, please include the type of commission, size, & any details you can offer about what you are wanting. I always welcome reference images, but I can try to work with a detailed description. I can work from piccrew examples

  • For just lines, I will send a preliminary sketch of the base pose for approval before moving on to finished lines.

  • For colored pieces, I will send a final sketch for approval before adding color

  • Refunds are only available if nothing has been sent to you

  • I will do (1) light rework or touch-up on the final version. Heavy reworks or additional ones cost extra. (Adding important character details that I accidentally forgot falls under light rework)

  • You will be notified if I agree to do your piece, and I will let you know when I start

  • I don't currently accept commercial work. I'm just not set up for that sort of business

  • I will never do NFTs

  • I reserve the right to refuse a commission for any reason

  • I sign all of my works, but it will be out of the way on the copy I send you

If you have questions about the T.O.S or are uncertain about anything, please ask!